Facebook Starting To Use Your Content In Ads

Aron Schatz
January 26, 2011

Page 1: News Post

Remember that all the content you post to Facebook can be used by them? You did know this, right? It seems that Facebook will start using content posted by its members (meaning you) in advertisements. You don't get any money out of the deal, though.


Facebook said that if a person currently checks in at a respective company's store or "likes" a brand page, the action often gets lost amid all the other content that a user's friends may see. Sponsored Stories solves that problem for advertisers by plucking valuable content from user news feeds and making it more readily noticeable to others.

The Sponsored Stories, which kicked off yesterday for Facebook's "premium" advertisers, will be labeled and viewable only to the content creator's friends, Facebook noted. The service will respect a person's privacy settings. However, Facebook users won't be able to opt out of the service. That's somewhat surprising, since Facebook users can modify their inclusion in the company's existing Social Ads by letting their social actions be includedin a marketer's ad on the site and be shown to friends--or opt out.

Stuff like this should always be opt-in.




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